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WVU波多马克州立大学开始了它的第119个秋季学期 而去年因COVID-19大流行需要严格预防 measures. 今年,十大网赌靠谱信誉平台在所有校区中最优先考虑的是提供 学生可以获得完全面对面的校园学术和学生体验. As always, 学生,教师,员工和客人的安全仍然是一个重要的 guiding factor.

虽然十大网赌靠谱信誉平台没有要求接种疫苗,但他们强烈鼓励每个人接种疫苗 接种疫苗并核实其疫苗状况.

随着学期的进展,十大网赌靠谱信誉平台的校园社区不得不 灵活并适应不断变化的情况- COVID-19和delta变体 has presented.

WVU将室内口罩要求扩展到所有校园的所有室内空间 (Vaccine testing info specific to PSC included)

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. -  West Virginia University is updating its mask guidelines. Beginning Monday, Sept. 13、所有个人,无论是否接种疫苗,都将被要求 直到10月,在所有WVU系统建筑和设施的室内都要戴口罩. 6, when public health conditions will be reevaluated.

The new requirement supersedes a  temporary revision announced on Aug. 17 for classrooms and labs. Although 涉及十大网赌靠谱信誉平台员工和学生的阳性病例和隔离病例仍然存在 在可管理的水平上,大学正在积极采取这一举措,因为 最近西弗吉尼亚州的COVID-19病例大幅增加,包括不断增加的 instances of hospitalization across the state.

所有进入校园建筑和设施的人必须戴上适当的口罩 the nose and keep it on while inside. Members of the WVU community do not need 在个人办公场所,在10人的小型聚会中,在室内戴口罩 或少在宿舍地板和房间,在个人车辆,吃饭或 drinking, or while engaging in fitness activities. 

因为它主要是一个户外活动,所以这个口罩要求也不包括 areas of  Milan Puskar Stadium (i.e., restrooms, suites, press box) at this time. 然而,大学仍然强烈鼓励学生在学校佩戴口罩 体育馆的传统大厅、套房、洗手间或其他室内区域.

This requirement will remain in place through Oct. 6 or until the University determines 有必要根据持续监测的因素制定新的指导方针,包括国家、 local and campus COVID-19 data. The University will be particularly focused on 学生和员工的疫苗接种率和住院率 the state. 

所有校园的PRT和WVU巴士都需要戴口罩 Jan. 18, 2022, under federal guidelines from the  Transportation Security Administration.

WVU Transportation expects all passengers — regardless of vaccination 状态-在WVU交通工具上旅行时遵守此要求.

Hospital challenges

就护理而言,目前的需求高于能力  WVU Medicine’s flagship J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown.  Albert L. Wright, Jr.WVU卫生系统的总裁兼首席执行官解释了这个数字 一系列因素,包括因COVID-19而导致的人员短缺,已经产生了新的问题 health care challenges. 

“这家机构照顾来自西弗吉尼亚州和弗吉尼亚州各地的危重病人 region,” Wright said. “现在,我们没有足够的空间容纳所有人,所以我们打电话来 对我们系统中较小的医院帮助处理业务量.” 

赖特说,他们被迫考虑其他措施,比如推迟日程安排 for surgeries and other elective procedures.

Encouraging campus data

尽管整个州的案件越来越多,十大网赌靠谱信誉平台的摩根敦  campus data is trending in a positive direction. The number of students 现在被隔离或被隔离的人数比去年同期要少, 学生和员工的疫苗接种验证率继续攀升. 

As of Sept. 29、整个西弗吉尼亚系统的疫苗接种核查率如下:

WVU Morgantown Staff\Faculty – 74.93%

WVU Morgantown Students – 78.98%

WVU Keyser Staff\Faculty – 71.03%

WVU Keyser Students – 38.64%

WVU Beckley Staff\Faculty – 74.55%

WVU Beckley Students – 56.42%

“看到越来越多的学生和员工选择成为同性恋,我很受鼓舞 vaccinated,”  President Gordon Gee said.

“然而,作为一个校园社区,我们必须继续尽自己的一份力量来减轻传播 而不是增加医疗系统的压力,”Gee继续说道. “This revision 我们的口罩指南是常识的必要延伸,数据驱动 approach we have taken since the pandemic began.” 


WVU strongly encourages everyone to be  vaccinated and to verify their vaccine status at

Free vaccine sites in Keyser include:

  • CVS药房,南矿物街45号,(304)788-3443
  • meda - save药房,南矿物街818号,(304)788-6010
  • 沃尔格林药房,南矿物街839号,(304)788-5931
  • 沃尔玛药房,位于沃尔玛超市中心,148美国220号公路,(304)788-8170

Other vaccination opportunities can be found at 疫苗继续在全国各地随时可用.

Regarding COVID-19 testing, the local  Mineral County Health Department is offering the community free COVID-19 testing as follows:

10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Church-McKee Arts Center parking lot 

10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Mineral County Health Department
541 Harley O. Staggers Drive
Keyser WV 26726 

通过MCHD进行的社区测试对十大网赌靠谱信誉平台波托马克州立学院的学生开放, employees and residents of Mineral County. Individuals who wish to be tested must 携带身份证明(驾驶执照或地址证明)到考场. Face masks and physical distancing are required.

为学生和雇员提供的测试和疫苗接种信息  WVU Potomac State College can be found on the  WVU Keyser Return to Campus site. 

大学鼓励所有学生、员工和访客继续锻炼身体 尽可能保持距离,在拥挤的地方戴上口罩,即使在户外也是如此.  

Stay informed

COVID-19 updates are available through WVU’s  public dashboard on the  Return to Campus 网站提供每日更新的测试信息 by 2 p.m.,以及疫苗接种核查率、隔离和检疫 data updated each Wednesday by 2 p.m.

Visit the  Return to Campus 网站获取更多信息和最新的COVID-19 updates.  WVU Health Sciences has updated the website to reflect the most up-to-date information on vaccines and the delta variant. 

Contact or with any questions.